Vintage Wine Delivery
One question we get asked is how do we ensure the vintage wine will be delivered safely?
This question also subliminally touches on sustainability. Our packaging is made up of a mixture that is either 70% recycled cardboard, the outer box, or 100% recycled card, inner protective cushion. Both are 100% recyclable.
When we switched to the current inners we found the the roughness of the card could damage the labels so we started wrapping the bottles in tissue, also completely recyclable.
In essence the bottle is wrapped in tissue then placed in the protective cushion and surrounded by the cardboard outer which is marked as fragile. This combination ensures that the label does not get damaged and the bottle has little movement within the box and that the outer is strong enough to withstand the rigours of The Royal Mail or courier systems.
The double wall also helps protect the bottle of vintage wine against temperature variations whilst on its travels.
Here is a little video we made of the process
Hi Tommy,
I’ll pop you an email over with some information I’ve found.
Hi I have a bottle of 1973 vino santo 14% red wine from imbottigiliato dalle. Cantine carlo torboli . Riva del garda. And was after any information about it as I can’t find any cheers